Our insights from experience

A channel where we pen down our Project learnings and experiences, which could be useful to the community.

Mobile Apps to Wearables
Mobile Apps to Wearables

A few days ago we could hear something called mobile first approach everywhere as the number of mobile users in..

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Bluetooth Low Energy | BLE | Bluetooth Smart

Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE, it’s marketed as Bluetooth smart designed & marketed by the Bluetooth Sp..

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Integrating OBD-2 | Cumulations
Integrating OBD2 (On-board diagnostics)

1. Introduction On-board diagnostics (OBD) is an automotive term referring to a vehicle’s self-dia..

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Apple Introduces iPhone 6S
Apple Introduces iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus

Well, a few days back Siri gave us a hint, there’s something big happening on September 9th. I was really..

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Checklist to Evaluate Mobile Application Development Firms
Checklist to Evaluate Mobile Application Development Firms

Follow Below Given Checklist to Evaluate Mobile Application Development Firms Assessing or evaluating the..

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Our Intern from IIT-Kharagpur Shares His Experience
Our Intern from IIT-Kharagpur shares his experience

My Journey at Cumulations I joined Cumulations on 5th May, I applied for app development and designing. I don&#..

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Create framework in iOS8
Create framework in iOS8

Creating a framework seems to be a tricky job in earlier version of iOS . I got an opportunity to work on ..

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Mock API response in Retrofit using custom clients
Mock API response in Retrofit using custom clients

Mock API Response The advent of the retrofit library has made the API integration a lot smoother.It makes the c..

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Working with iBeacons in iOS
Working with iBeacons in iOS

Working with iBeacons in iOS is quite easier once you understand the concept. First of all, what is iBeac..

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Customizing dialog in Android
Customizing dialog in Android

Every app that is launched/yet to be launched will be having its own theme based on its branding. Most of the d..

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